Crypto communities on Telegram in Africa have surged by 183% since early 2023, driven by economic instability, limited banking access, and a tech-savvy youth population, according to a Bitget report. By 2025, the report projects 54 million users in Africa, with Nigeria and South Africa leading the charge.

A Young, Tech-Savvy Population Drives Growth

The average age in Nigeria and Kenya is around 19 and 21, significantly younger than in Western nations. Many Africans are turning to crypto as an alternative economic option amid widespread job scarcity. In Kenya, for instance, crypto provides new avenues for financial gain, especially in areas like play-to-earn games and token giveaways.

Rising Government Scrutiny

While crypto adoption is growing, government intervention has also increased, especially in Nigeria, where Binance executives were detained amid accusations of enabling financial crime. Despite these challenges, the familiarity with mobile money platforms like M-PESA has made crypto adoption easier for many in Sub-Saharan Africa.
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