Thai SEC to Develop Blockchain-Based Trading Platform

Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is reportedly working on a blockchain-based platform for securities firms to trade debentures via digital tokens. The initiative aims to improve efficiency in Thailand’s capital markets by reducing settlement delays and manual data processing.

Addressing Inefficiencies in Traditional Bond Markets

Currently, purchasing bonds from the primary market takes up to 14 days before they can be traded in secondary markets. The new system would streamline settlement, trading, investor registration, and payment processes, making capital markets more efficient.

Two Types of Digital Securities Planned

Thailand plans to issue digital securities in two categories:
  1. Traditional financial products digitized for trading
  2. New electronic securities issued directly on the platform

Private Sector Involvement and Future Regulations

The SEC has already approved four digital token projects, with two more under review. Companies will be allowed to develop independent blockchains as long as they comply with unified SEC standards, ensuring interoperability and regulatory oversight.
Read the full article on theblock.