Miles has got the scoop on some juicy altcoin plays that could be absolute monsters this bull run. The name of the game? Layer 1 coins, baby!

Key Highlights:
  • You see, back in 2021, these bad boys were the real superstars, pumping over 1,000% in just 90 days. Tokens like Solana, Avalanche, and Phantoms were the talk of the town, and it looks like history might just be repeating itself.

  • Miles is betting big on this Layer 1 narrative, and he's got a whole lineup of potential gems for us. From the big guns like Solana and Avalanche to the riskier but potentially more rewarding plays like Sui, Aptos, and Fantom, he's covering all bases.

  • But wait, there's more! Miles is also digging into the ecosystems surrounding these Layer 1 coins. He's talking about allocating some of your capital into the projects built on top of these networks because if the ecosystem pops off, you could be looking at even bigger gains.

  • Now, Miles isn't just throwing darts here. He's breaking down the reasons why Layer 1 coins could be the real deal this cycle, from the demand for block space to the market's love for infrastructure plays.

  • And let's not forget about the retail FOMO factor. As crypto prices rise, more and more people are jumping back in, and they're gravitating towards the tokens that pumped hardest in the last bull run – which just so happened to be Layer 1 coins.

  • Of course, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Miles is keeping it real and reminding us that dips and drawdowns are par for the course in a bull market. But that's when you need to get your shopping bags ready and load up on these Layer 1 gems at discounted prices.

So, there you have it, fam. Miles has served up a buffet of Layer 1 altcoin plays, complete with a side of ecosystem exposure and a dash of strategic accumulation advice.